
A variety of internal campaigns were developed to effectively communicate key messages and inspire desired behaviors among employees. These coordinated initiatives aimed to deliver essential information, foster employee engagement, and cultivate a shared understanding across the global workforce.

To ensure employees received campaign messages across their preferred channels, we implemented a multi-channel approach utilizing a diverse range of digital and print assets. This included social media posts, engaging banners, branded merchandise, eye-catching team backgrounds, informative posters, and impactful videos.


Core Values Campaign
Maersk has redefined its core values, emphasizing Constant Care and Humbleness. These principles underscore the company’s commitment to sustainability and collaboration. To foster a deeper understanding of these values, Maersk launched an internal campaign featuring a fresh visual identity.

Maersk Values

Employer Branding Campaign
Maersk has undergone a significant employer branding transformation to align with its evolving business strategy. Once primarily associated with shipping and logistics, the company has successfully repositioned itself as a global integrator of container logistics and supply chain solutions through a strong visual campaign.
Maersk Employer Branding Maersk Brandbook Campaign
The company decided to showcase in  a comprehensive document company’s visual identity and brand guidelines. It served as a reference for employees, designers, and external partners to ensure consistent brand application across all touchpoints.Maersk Brandbook

Maersk – All the Way to Zero Campaign
This campaing refers to efforts to completely eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. This is a goal of many countries and organizations as they try to combat climate change. For example, Volkswagen has a campaign called “Way To Zero” which outlines their plan to become carbon neutral by 2050.

All the Way to Zero